Audio & Video Links

I highly recommend listening to this song by Katy Newton Morse called “Greater Things”. It is about her son. You can find it on YouTube, Spotify and Apple Music. Thank you Katy!
Evoke Therapy Podcasts – Evoke is an outdoor based therapeutic program serving adolescents, young adults, and families. This list includes many topics helpful for parents of teens including book reviews and so much more!
Digital Addiction? from 20/20 ABC News 2017
This is What’s It’s Really Like To Live with ADHD
What It's Really Like to Live With ADHD
"I was tired of trying, of putting more effort into life than everyone else and falling farther and farther behind." — Jessica McCabe, How to ADHD
Posted by TED on Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Race to Nowhere
Two boys try to figure out how to use a rotary phone to dial a number – FUNNY!
Is Too Much Tech Hurting Kids’ Developmental Growth?
For many kids, the digital world is more compelling than what’s outside their window, but psychologists worry too much screen time comes at a cost. NBC News –