Finding a New Home: Navigating Change with Your Adopted Child

Relocating to a new home is a significant milestone for any family, particularly for those with an adopted child who may face unique challenges during this transition. Understanding and addressing these specific needs is crucial for ensuring a positive experience. This My Warrior Mom Life guide offers tailored advice to help adoptive families navigate the complexities of the home buying and selling process, fostering a smooth and nurturing move.

Building Trust Through Communication

Effective communication plays a crucial role in preparing adopted children for the transition of moving homes. Open, age-appropriate conversations about the reasons and expectations for the move are essential. It is important to recognize and affirm their feelings, addressing any concerns with empathy and reassurance. This not only lays a foundation of trust and security but also helps in fostering a sense of belonging and involvement in the family’s journey, ensuring the child feels heard and an integral part of the decision-making process. Additionally, this approach can significantly aid in easing any anxieties associated with the change, helping them to adapt more comfortably to their new environment.

Protect Your Investment with a Home Warranty

Investing in a home warranty for your new home is a smart move to safeguard against unexpected and costly repairs to your appliances or home systems. With a home warranty in place, you can have peace of mind knowing that essential repairs are covered, helping you avoid the financial strain of sudden breakdowns. To further enhance your protection, look for the electronics insurance option, which can cover the cost of repairing or replacing computers, televisions, certain smart home products, and more.

Leveraging Online Resources for Home Searching

Utilize online tools and resources to research potential homes and neighborhoods. Look for areas that are not only safe and child-friendly but also culturally diverse and inclusive. Online forums and community groups can provide valuable insights into the neighborhood’s culture and community spirit, aiding in making an informed choice.

Choosing an Energy-Efficient Home

Finding an energy-efficient home is a smart, sustainable choice that benefits both your wallet and the environment. These homes are designed with features like improved insulation, energy-saving appliances, and renewable energy sources to reduce energy consumption. Not only do they help lower monthly utility bills, but they also contribute to a healthier planet by reducing your carbon footprint.

The Advantage of Early Planning

Begin your moving preparations early, particularly for families with adopted children who might need extra time to adjust to the idea of relocating. A well-planned move reduces stress and provides a sense of control and predictability. This is especially beneficial for adopted children, who may have experienced instability in their early lives.

Moving Your Business

Relocating your business is a significant undertaking that requires careful planning and communication. It’s essential to keep your team informed throughout the process and establish a clear timeline, starting from the moment you decide to move. You can also reduce downtime by working remotely. 

Preparing for the New Environment for the Adopted Child

Acclimatize your child to the new home and surroundings before the move. Visit local landmarks, future schools, and community centers together. This helps build a sense of familiarity and anticipation, easing the transition and making the new environment less daunting.

Cost-Effective and Personalized Moving Strategies

Involve your child in the moving process, perhaps by letting them choose decorations for their new space. Opt for the help of friends and family during the move rather than hiring professionals. This approach not only saves costs but also provides a familiar and supportive environment during the transition. Furthermore, using recycled or donated packing materials can be a cost-effective and environmentally friendly option.

Moving with adopted children requires thoughtful consideration and sensitivity to their unique experiences and needs. By following these comprehensive strategies, adoptive families can ensure a nurturing and supportive transition into their new home. This journey, when navigated thoughtfully, can strengthen family bonds and provide a foundation for a happy and secure future in your new home.

Earn Money On the Side With These Business Ideas for Stay-At-Home Parents

earn money on the side

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While most parents agree that raising a family is a full-time job on its own, few parents can comfortably afford to stay at home with their children without earning some kind of income. After all, there are bills to pay, food and clothing expenses for the whole family, and college tuition costs to save up for! Also there may be the added cost of treatment programs for your teens too!

Fortunately, earning money as a stay-at-home parent has never been easier. Remote work and freelancing are more popular than ever, and apps like TaskRabbit and DoorDash make it easy to join the gig economy as an independent contractor. Check out these tips from My Warrior Mom Life to discover a few flexible business ideas for stay-at-home moms and dads.

Try Freelance Writing, Bookkeeping, or Graphic Design

For stay-at-home parents with skills in areas such as writing, bookkeeping, or graphic design, freelancing could be a great way to earn an income and enjoy a flexible work schedule that allows them to continue caring for their children during the day.

Freelance writers create different types of written content for various publications and clients, while bookkeepers help companies track their income and expenses. Graphic designers use technology and art to create different types of visuals for the companies and clients they work with.

Freelancers can also work as:

  • Virtual assistants
  • Tutors
  • Proofreaders
  • Graphic designers
  • Bloggers
  • Software developers
  • Web designers
  • Social media managers
  • Childcare providers
  • Customer service representatives
  • Make money as an affiliate

There are a plethora of websites to find freelance work opportunities, including Designhill, Toptal, We Work Remotely, and Behance. However, it’s important to understand the differences between freelancing and working as an employee, as how you’re categorized will affect your taxes and how you’re paid for your work.

Keep in mind that if you’re freelancing as a web or graphic designer, you’ll need to find easy ways to share design ideas with clients. If you need to convert a file to make it less time-consuming to email, there are plenty of free online tools that you can use.

Become a Dropshipper

Dropshipping is another possible business idea for stay-at-home parents, especially those with an interest in pursuing entrepreneurship. This low-investment business idea is easy to start, as the costs associated with becoming a drop shipper typically include a domain name, online advertising, and product testing. But like any type of business, you’ll need to market yourself as a drop shipper in order to stand out online.

Launch a Photography Business

If you enjoy photography, you might also consider starting your own business as a freelance photographer. Some photographers specialize in staging and shooting weddings and events, while others shoot families, newborns, and maternity photos. Other types of photographers shoot products, fine art, landmarks, animals, food, and real estate.

Consider Ridesharing, Errand Running, and Food Delivery

Some other great ways to earn money as a stay-at-home parent include ridesharing, errand running, and food and grocery delivery. If you don’t mind driving, for instance, you could become a driver for rideshare companies such as Uber or Lyft. Or if you enjoy running errands, assembling furniture, doing yard work, and delivering food or groceries, you might consider becoming a Tasker for TaskRabbit. Other delivery apps to work for include DoorDash, Instacart, Shipt, and Uber Eats.

Learn How to Start Your Home-Based Business Today

Once you’ve chosen a business idea that fits your skills, interests, and busy schedule as a stay-at-home parent, your first step toward earning an income is writing a business plan. Your business plan should include a description of the company you’re starting, information about your financial needs and projections, and details about how your products or services will be sold. You’ll also need to decide how you’ll structure your new business.

After writing your business plan and choosing a business structure (also known as your legal entity), you can use an online formation service to easily set up a new company from home. Online formation services can be used to form a corporation or limited liability company (LLC), get a registered agent and a “doing business as” name, and apply for an employer identification number (EIN). Some businesses can be started as sole proprietorships — eliminating the need to use a formation service — but this type of legal entity isn’t right for everyone.

Learn How to Start Your Home-Based Business Today

Acquiring new customers is critical for any business’s sustainability. However, finding prospective clients can be challenging for many new businesses. This is where lead generation strategies come into play. Adopting solutions related to lead generation is vital for any organization that seeks to expand its customer base and generate revenue. Effective lead-generation strategies can increase a company’s visibility, establish its credibility, and ultimately stimulate growth. The importance of lead generation cannot be overstated. It is a fundamental process that lays the foundation for enduring business success.

Find the Job that Works Best for You

Making the decision to return to work isn’t an easy one when you’ve chosen to stay home with your children, but gig work, freelancing, and low-investment business ideas make it easier than ever to earn an income while continuing to care for your family. Online formation services make it as simple as possible to start a new business from home, and apps like Uber, Shipt, and Instacart allow you to join the gig economy at any time.

You may be returning to work, but there’s no need to find a standard 9-to-5 job when flexible and remote work opportunities are so readily available. You’ll earn some extra money without spending too much time away from your children, and you’ll keep your career alive at the same time.

Every family is different, but we can learn from each other. My family struggles with technology. Learn about our journey at My Warrior Mom Life!

How to Plan for the Next School Break


kid in school

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How to Plan for the Next School Break

Children go to school 180 days a year, leaving you with little time to enjoy as a family during the school year. However, winter break usually lasts a little over a week, and spring break is only a few days, both of which are prime times for you and your family to spend quality time together. Today, My Warrior Mom Life has some tips to help make the next break more special.

Mini Vacation Destinations Ideas

While your children are home from school, plan a mini vacation. Visit a local inn or hotel with a pool. Consider having dinner delivered to your room as you and the entire family lounge in your pajamas, just relishing your time together.

Instead of an overnight trip, take day trips, and visit different local destinations during the break. For instance, visit a science center, play center, museum, library, or planetarium. Try to vary what you do, so all your children do something they enjoy. It also keeps your kids interested and entertained throughout the break.

Stay-at-Home Vacation Ideas 

If you have to work during the kids’ school break and can’t get away, a road trip is probably out of the question. However, with a little planning, a winter or spring break at home can be just as entertaining.

First, stay as comfortable as possible. It’s easier to run after the children if you wear something comfortable, like this lounge dress; click here to plan ahead and purchase a few new comfy clothing items. Your children may appreciate a new pair of pajamas, too, so they can remain comfortable, as well.

While you’re at home, consider scheduling a day to play board games or do arts and crafts. Designate one evening as a movie night where the family snuggles in the living or family room. When you’re deciding on a movie, it’s best to take a vote. Another idea is to have a spa day and pretend you and your family are lounging at a luxury resort.

Preparing for the Vacation 

Whether you’re planning to go away for the school break or stay home, start prepping for this time in advance. Finish all the laundry, run any errands, and clean the house before the school break. Don’t forget to go grocery shopping and select snacks everyone loves. Once you handle those tasks, you have nothing to focus on other than enjoying your time with the family.

Rules to Make the Most of This Time

Make it a time for little to no electronics. Savor every moment you can together without any distractions. Although your children may be a bit frustrated at first, once they’re having fun, they’re likely to forget all about their phones and tablets. Stick together most of the time to encourage interaction rather than having everyone disperse into their rooms. Also, avoid letting the kids stay up extremely late, so they wake up at a reasonable time and are in good spirits the next day.

Make the Next School Break a Time To Remember

With a game plan, you can make your children’s next school break a time for family and one they may remember forever. A little planning can make it more memorable (and less stressful) for you, as well.

My Warrior Mom Life is here to help parents like you navigate the modern world. Click here if you have any questions!

Navigating Common Mental Health Challenges as a Teen or Young Adult

There’s no denying that mental health can be tricky terrain to navigate, especially for teenagers and young adults who are still in the process of understanding and developing their sense of self. Anxiety and depression are two of the most commonly diagnosed mental illnesses, and they present unique challenges to young people. My Warrior Mom Life delves into some of these challenges and shares tips for fostering your mental health:


One of the biggest challenges of anxiety and depression for young people is the stigma surrounding mental illness. Many people still believe that mental illness is something you can control or cure by sheer willpower — or that it’s a sign of weakness. As such, many young people neglect to get help because they don’t want to be perceived as weak, or they fear being judged or ostracized.

Lack of Understanding

Another major hurdle for young people is when their friends and family members fail to understand their anxiety or depression. Loved ones may not be able to grasp the severity of a young person’s illness, or they might dismiss symptoms as mere mood swings or teenage behavior. This makes it difficult for teens and young adults to get the support they need from those closest to them.

Navigating School and Work

Going to school and holding down a job can be difficult when you live with anxiety and depression. Difficulty, concentration, fatigue, and social avoidance are a few symptoms that make it hard to keep up with schoolwork, attend classes, and participate in extracurricular activities. If you struggle to concentrate on your tasks or interact with coworkers, this can also lead to poor job performance.

Consider the benefits of getting an online college degree. With the flexibility it offers, online learning lets you pursue your studies at your own pace and helps you balance work and personal commitments.

If you’re passionate about numbers, you might pursue an online accounting degree. This flexible learning option allows you to study from the comfort of your home and home so that you can balance your education with other commitments. An online accounting degree furthers your career, and immersing yourself in courses tailored to your interests will help you develop technical proficiency and a deeper understanding of the financial landscape.


Anxiety and depression can be isolating illnesses, and many young people with these conditions feel alone or misunderstood. Some even descend into hopelessness or despair because they feel like they’re the only ones going through such experiences. Those who don’t have a support system often feel like they have nowhere to turn, exacerbating symptoms and making recovery even more difficult.

Accessing Professional Help

One of the biggest challenges for young people with anxiety and depression is getting professional help. If you’re like many other teens or young adults, you’re still dependent on your parents for financial support, and accessing treatment can be expensive. Plus, insurance may not cover the cost of your mental health treatment, and transportation to and from appointments can be hard if you don’t have access to a car.

Take time to research the online therapy options available to you. Telehealth continues to rise in popularity, and you may be able to get the services you need without leaving home.

Wrapping Up

Navigating mental health can be challenging for anyone, but young people with anxiety and depression face unique obstacles. From stigma and a lack of understanding to the challenges of school and work, isolation, and access to health, teens and young adults must tread complex terrain to get the support they need.

By increasing awareness surrounding these challenges, we can work to destigmatize mental illness and increase access to resources for those who need them. And if you are a young person living with mental illness, remember that communicating clearly with the people closest to you can go a long way toward regaining control and balance in your life. Don’t be afraid to reach out to get the help you need.

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Navigating Anxiety and Depression: Impactful Strategies

anxiety depression

As a young adult, you might feel like you’re constantly on a rollercoaster of emotions. The pressure to succeed, build relationships, and discover your purpose in life can be overwhelming.

If you’re experiencing feelings of anxiety or depression, you must understand that you’re not alone. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) approximates that nearly 23% of adults 18 and older experienced a mental illness in 2021. The good news is that there are actionable steps to take to manage your symptoms and improve your mental health. My Warrior Mom Life shares some here:

Recognize Your Triggers

The first step in managing anxiety and depression is to identify your triggers. These can be specific situations, people, or even thoughts that cause you to feel anxious or down.

Learning to recognize your triggers will help you avoid them, or come up with healthy coping mechanisms to deal with them. For instance, if you feel anxious in crowded spaces, you might try going to a smaller gathering or bringing a trusted friend along for support.

Start Self-Care

Practicing self-care is critical for maintaining good mental health. Set aside time for yourself daily to do something you enjoy, such as listening to music, doing a puzzle, or reading a novel.

It’s also important to make your physical health a priority. Eating a healthy diet, getting adequate sleep, and exercising regularly will go a long way in boosting your overall well-being. When you take care of yourself, you’ll have more energy and mental clarity to deal with the challenges of everyday life.

Here is a list of over one hundred ideas for self-care from Warrior Mom! Click here!

Go Back to School

If you feel stuck in your career or struggle with anxiety and depression, returning to school can be a great way to improve your prospects and gain new skills. You can work at your own pace and fit studying into your busy schedule through online courses. Pursuing further education can also provide a sense of purpose and direction, which can prove invaluable in your mental health battles.

Further, earning a degree or certification, can open up new job opportunities and increase your earning potential. For example, there are countless ways to use a business bachelor’s degree, making it a wise long-term investment!

Talk to a Professional

It might be helpful to meet with a mental health professional if you’re experiencing persistent feelings of anxiety or depression. The right therapist or counselor can give you tools and strategies to manage your symptoms while offering support and guidance. Therapy can also help you identify any underlying issues that may be contributing to your mental health struggles.

Establish a Support System

Having a strong support system can make all the difference when fighting anxiety and depression. Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or support groups to connect with people who can empathize with your struggles. Sharing your experiences with others who have been there will likely help you feel less alone and more understood.

Focus on What You Can Control

Finally, it’s essential to focus on what you can control instead of what you cannot. Worrying about the future or dwelling on past mistakes is natural, but it only leads to more anxiety and depressive feelings.

Try to focus on the present moment and take small steps to improve your situation. For instance, if you’re worried about finding a job after graduation, put your energy into updating your resume or networking with people in your field.

Wrapping Up

Dealing with anxiety or depression is challenging, but it’s crucial to remember that you hold the power to take control of your mental health. Recognizing your triggers, practicing self-care, building a support system, and implementing the other strategies in this article can help you manage your symptoms and boost your overall quality of life.

Don’t forget that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. There’s no shame in taking care of your mental health!

Please leave a comment below on how you personally handle anxiety or depression. Sharing is one way to show others that they are not alone.

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7 Simple Steps to Get Better Sleep and Wake Up Refreshed


It’s a common misconception that adults don’t need much sleep, but the truth is that sleep is essential for our overall health and well-being. It helps our bodies to recharge and repair, improves our memory and cognitive performance, and reduces stress levels. In this My Warrior Mom Life blog post, we will discuss seven simple steps you can take to help you sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed.

Optimize Your Sleep Environment

Your sleep environment plays a significant role in how well you sleep. It would be best if you had a cool, dark, and quiet room to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep. Invest in light-blocking curtains, earplugs, or noise-canceling headphones if you live in a noisy area. Make sure your mattress and pillows are comfortable and supportive. Remove all electronics from your bedroom, including your phone, TV, or laptop.

Avoid Heavy Meals before Bedtime

Eating a heavy meal before bed can lead to an uncomfortable night of sleep. This is because it can cause indigestion, reflux, or heartburn, which can disrupt your rest. To avoid this, it’s best to eat your last meal at least two hours before bedtime and opt for a light snack if you feel hungry. Bananas, yogurt, or nuts are good options that won’t leave you feeling too full.

Focus on Walking More Every Day

Walking is an excellent low-impact exercise that can help you sleep better. It increases your endorphin levels, which boosts your mood and reduces stress and anxiety. Aim to walk for at least 30 minutes every day, preferably outside in a pedestrian-friendly neighborhood (areas with high walk scores usually have parks and activities nearby). You can also try walking meditation, where you focus on your breathing and your surroundings while walking slowly.

Try Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a natural way to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. Essential oils like lavender, chamomile, and valerian root are popular choices for their calming properties. They can be used in various ways such as adding a few drops to bathwater, diffusing them in the bedroom, or using them in massage oil to help you unwind and get a good night’s sleep.

Listen to Calming Music

Listening to calming music before bedtime can help you relax and fall asleep faster. Choose slow, instrumental music with a low tempo and no lyrics. Some people prefer nature sounds such as ocean waves, rain, or bird songs. You can use a smart speaker, headphones, or a white noise machine to listen to your favorite music.

Limit Caffeine Intake

Caffeine is a powerful stimulant that can interfere with your sleep and keep you awake at night. It’s important to avoid consuming coffee, tea, or soda at least four hours before bedtime. If you’re in need of an energy boost during the day, try drinking green tea instead as it contains less caffeine than coffee but still provides a natural source of energy.

Durable and Breathable Cotton Bedding 

Your bedding is a vital component in determining the quality of your sleep. Therefore, it is important to invest in new cotton bedding that is durable and breathable. Cotton, being a natural fiber, promotes air circulation, ensuring that you stay cool and comfortable throughout the night. Additionally, cotton is easy to maintain and lasts longer than synthetic materials, making it an excellent choice for your bedding.

Getting better sleep is not rocket science, but it does require some effort and discipline. By optimizing your sleep environment, walking more every day, investing in new cotton bedding that’s durable and breathable, and more, you can improve your sleep quality significantly. Remember, the key is to be consistent and patient. Give these tips a try and see how they work for you.

Beginning in Business: Advice for Aspiring ‘Mompreneurs’ (Guest Post)

Being a “mompreneur” comes with some built-in challenges, often in the form of cute but demanding tinier versions of yourself. Getting into a good rhythm that allows you to be successful both in business and motherhood can take some time. You can save yourself some hours and energy, though, if you start from a place of solid information and practical advice. 

1. Find the Right Business

Deciding what you want to pursue may come easy to you. You might have a hobby you’ve wanted to take to a professional level for a while. For others, the decision of what business to pursue might be more difficult.

Either way, you’ll need to find something that fits into your schedule. Assess how much time and what time you are able to devote to your business. For those with children not in school yet, flexibility may be the most important feature of a job. In those cases, freelance work or work that you can otherwise complete during the time you can grab throughout a day of parenting might be best.

Whatever your background, freelance opportunities abound: writing, bookkeeping, website development, and many more freelance jobs allow you to choose your own hours and work at your own pace. lists a number of freelance marketplaces, such as Fiverr and Upwork, which are solid places to establish yourself as a freelancer and find freelance jobs.

Creatives who craft or create art can also work on their own time, and there are a variety of online marketplaces that allow you to see in exchange for seller’s fees. Many choose to start on these websites while building clientele on their own websites and social media shops so that they can eventually sell without having to pay seller fees.

2. Create Boundaries

In order to achieve a healthy work-life balance, boundaries must be set. When you’re in the home, it is difficult for your family to recognize you might have responsibilities other than those associated with being a mom, so it’s vital that you establish boundaries early on to demonstrate to your family your time, space, and attention is valuable elsewhere. If possible, set up a place in the home that can be off-limits to your family at all times. That way, your family will have a visual for your business that will help them recognize and respect your work.

Like physical boundaries, having your own time also will be necessary. Carve out specific times during the way when your family members know they should only access you when necessary. This can be tricky with very little ones, but your toddler’s or baby’s naptime can be a convenient time to sneak away. You can also utilize times when they may be especially calm each day: after lunch, for example, when they might enjoy a few minutes of play or television to themselves.

3. Get Educated

The business world is evolving every day, and online businesses are growing more rapidly than ever. Consider taking business classes in your free time to understand nuanced business practices and give yourself an edge over competitors. With hundreds of MBA programs available fully online, earning your degree at your own pace has never been more accessible.

Running a business while running a household is a challenge, but it’s one that mothers everywhere are embracing. With the right tools and knowledge, you can build a successful business from the comfort of your home and give your children a role model they can look up to up close: their mom.


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