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Announcing The Warrior Mom Life Facebook Page! Be sure to check it out today. It will be a place to share your stories with others and keep up on the latest info, articles, links and blog posts at My Warrior Mom Life. Click on the LIKE button and watch us grow! And don’t forget to tell your friends about us!

I’ve been asked, “What exactly is a Warrior Mom?” Well, it can mean many things, but in this case it is a mom or parent who never gives up. A person who is a survivor and it battling something out of their control. After all, everybody’s got something! And if you have a teenager in your life, you know exactly what I’m talking about!

You Are Not Alone

On our Facebook page, please feel free to share your tips on maintaining self-care, keeping a positive perspective and how to have a sense of humor even when your are up to your neck in shall I say, “stuff”! The biggest take away for me is to know that you are not alone! And that people around you do care! Let them in and you will be amazed at the support that comes your way.

Mixed in with all the good are those that want to give you “advice” on what you should do about this problem or that. Take it with a grain of salt. Thank them and move on. Or listen and take just what you want. Trust your own gut! Everybody’s story is slightly different. And it’s important to not compare. Just like many advertisements say, “your results can vary”. Keeping the negative at bay is not easy, but you can do it!


And of course, it is advisable to just UNPLUG when you can. We all need some peace and quiet. Take a walk, go for a swim (as I will when I’m done writing this post!), read a book, call a long-time friend, weed the garden, play some rock and roll music or take a nap! Do something for yourself! It’s just like the flight attendants say when you are about to take off “In the case of an emergency, put your oxygen mask on first, then take care of those around you!” If you do this, you can be a Warrior Mom (or Dad or Grandparent or Person) too!

Please come visit me at The My Warrior Mom Life Facebook page today!




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