One of the self-care ideas I had was to start a walk on Fridays for anyone with anything that they were battling. My family’s personal struggle is too much technology started taking over our lives. I’ve had a few different folks join me, but one stand-out friend who comes religiously! We need more people like that in the world, believe you me!
My doggy loves to come along and I like any excuse to walk her. My friend and I chat about what’s new in my family’s journey and other pressing events. During our walk on this particular Friday morning, I got a call from a number in Idaho.
“I better answer it”, I said. It was the Wilderness Program, saying “Everything was fine”, but wanted to know if I had received the “parent packet and log-in info for the website”.
“YES, I had”. I neglected to respond back to their email, so they were checking to be sure.
Communication, check!
“Oh, also to let you know your son did well last night (his first in the wilderness) and he participated in the evening group chat, but was a little quiet.” What a relief to hear that news! It was still a little bit hard to grasp that we did in fact send our almost 16 year old off to a wilderness program, out of state. I needed all the good news I could get! And so the walk continued.
I have many people who virtually walk with us on Fridays too! Sometimes I’ll FaceTime them or text them as I am starting or finishing to include their energy and support. I know there are people who wish they join us, but because of distance or other restrictions, can’t make it. I just want you all to know that I’ll be walking every week for you, even if you can’t be there in person.
Staying strong and still walking,