Welcome to Adulting!
Our home contract agreement stated that he either needed to be in school or have a job, when he came home. He worked during the months of October, November and December, at the local Best Buy as a seasonal employee. He like it a lot. His employment was over, just after New Year’s, the first week in January. During his first six months of being eighteen, he worked at McDonald’s in Utah and at Best Buy in Northern California. Both were excellent “first jobs” with lots of learning opportunities. And he was able to make some money.
In January, he spent time putting together his application for a vocational college in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He gathered transcripts from his three different high school learning environments and sent them off. He called the school in Canada and asked them questions about the Computer Software Development major he applied to. If it works out, his goal is to begin course work there in September. (With so many things up in the air world wide, we will just have to see how it all plays out!)
In January and February, he made some attempts at finding a job and had a few interviews but none worked out, until this past week. Ironically, when so many people are out of work due to the Coronavirus pandemic, our son is working as a bagger at the local grocery store in town. It is considered an “essential job” and he is following their guidelines about hand washing, keeping hands off his face and the correct social distancing!

The Definition of “Adulting”
As we welcome our son to his new world of adulting, I looked up the meaning on Dictionary.com.
“Adulting is an informal term to describe behavior that is seen as responsible and grown-up. This behavior often involves meeting the mundane demands of independent and professional living, such as paying bills and running errands.”
- Signed up for the Selective Service (mandatory for US males as they reach 18 years of age.)
- Got a tiny nose piercing.
- Opened a bank account and maintained it – complete with a few over draft service charges!
- Applied for and received a 10 year US Passport.
- Is working Full Time.
- Voted in his first Election (the California Primary). No surprise he’s a Bernie guy!
- Took over his own iPhone account.
- Paid bills to: Apple Music, Hulu, AT&T, Apple Care.
- Left his pediatric doctor office to join a new one for adults.
- Just received his first Jury Duty request in the mail from the county.
- Did his own taxes on Turbo Tax and Filed 2 state returns (UT & CA) – He’s excited to be getting a refund!
- Passed his CA Driver’s Permit test.

We are very proud of all the adulting steps he has taken. There will be many more to come! One task at a time and one day at a time! There is no substitute for doing it yourself, as the best way to learn how to navigate what lies ahead in the adult world. So far his gap year after high school has included many life skills and lessons! Soon enough he will be grown and flown!
Staying in the moment,