Happy Anniversary to me! Yes, it’s been one year since The My Warrior Mom Life Blog was launched. I feel fortunate to be able to share my journey with you on this website. It has been a year filled with gratitude, growth and understanding. I know many of you readers personally and want to thank you for your support. It means the world to me! There are many others of you, whom I have not met, and I am thankful for your readership as well. I hope my blog continues to blossom and grow and that I can touch the lives (in a positive way) of many more parents, who are going through similar situations. Don’t hesitate to share one of my blog posts or a helpful link with anyone on a challenging path with a struggling teenager in their lives. We all know someone who is going through tough times with their teen, don’t we? Don’t be shy about reaching out!
I don’t proclaim to have all the answers. In fact, it’s just the opposite. I, however, have surrounded myself with people who can help my family and me through our not so unusual journey. The list of contributing factors that many of us face range from digital addiction, adoption to ADHD to drugs and school failure and others I have not mentioned. I have been honest and open about the ups and downs my family has experienced and about the many feelings that have come up connected to those times. I know that sharing it all on this blog has helped me tremendously! I will continue to write openly about our story, as we navigate a world that is more complex than ever before.
For me, at this very moment, I must trust in the process, especially because it involves “radical acceptance” regarding the unknown future that lies ahead. More on that topic in an upcoming blog post. I am also planning to write about school issues, time between visits in seeing our son, time tables for possible upcoming home visits, aftercare, turning the magical age of 18 and other relevant themes regarding treatment. Believe me, it’s not easy, not having our son at home, but he is safe and doing well at the RTC. There is so much to learn and digest that frankly, I have to acknowledge that TIME is the best healer there is. It is also one of the most anxious making parts of the process. That is the Ying and Yang of it all!
So in conclusion, I’d like to thank you all personally for being a part of my ongoing healing as a parent with a teen who struggles. I look forward to being there for others as you have been there for me. It takes a village and beyond!

Feeling grateful that I found you.
Thank you Samuel!WM
Believe me, Anne. It’s been an honor to be included in your growing process over this past year. I so admire your approach to solving problems that you didn’t create but are responsible to work on. I know there is light at the end of the tunnel and I’m hoping it comes sooner than later.
Now, about our Friday walks……
Christy-Thank you! Yes, let’s get the next Friday walk set-up. This week or next good for you? Any other walkers out there, we meet at the MVMS turn-around near the dog park. All walkers are welcome! WM
The thing that stood out the most was your comment on TIME.
It’s so true.
The things that appeared to be such a big deal to me a year ago don’t even matter today. Time is what changed my perspective.
Hi KB – TIME gives us all a new perspective to be sure! Thanks for the comment and for being a loyal reader! WM
You all have done wonderful things. Luke is so lucky and blessed to have you as parents. Ken
Thanks Ken! The work continues and are so proud of him. We are lucky to have him too! WM
What a difference a year makes when you live it one day at a time. You’ve done the most loving thing for Luke and yourselves.❤️
Cindy-We have all made it 11 months and counting down towards 1 year at the RTC. He has been gone over 400 days and each day is one day at a time. I’ve got a secret: he’s heading to Shasta for a visit at the end of next week! Shhh! WM